Normally, when you decide for traditional braces then you get typical steel braces, your brackets and wires will be silver. But if you want to wear colorful braces then you probably want to make your braces more prominent and interesting. People choose Invisalign or ceramic as both are less visible. So if you are looking for the best color for your braces then you are going to wear traditional braces because the other two options don’t need to offer colors for braces. You can also choose ceramic braces (and brackets) if you want to keep your braces low profile or Invisalign is also another option if you’d like to keep your dental treatment as invisible as possible. If you are going for the braces for the first time, make sure you ask your orthodontist if he or she has a color wheel before the day of your appointment. Braces usually involve many parts depending upon the individual case but some parts of braces that everyone must have who go for braces, include the brackets, archway, metal bands, elastics or bands made of rubber that go around each bracket. Wondering black, blue, pink, light pink, purple! What braces colors combination look best? Well, braces are something that no one happily wears, people often bear braces to get a perfect smile or bite.